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DB € CLO Total Return Indices
powered by PSL
PSL launch total return indices for European CLOs in partnership with Deutsche Bank.
Transparent, independent and justifiable valuations across whole asset classes of structured credit.
Credit Cards
Private Deals
Student Loan

Trusted by many of the world’s largest financial institutions.
Our clients across the globe include:
Investment banks
Insurance companies
Asset managers
Financial data platforms
Peer-to-Peer Lenders
Central banks
Pension funds
Deal originators
Regulatory institutions
Valuations across the capital structure
PSL price structured finance securities across the full capital structure, from senior tranches to equity and residual bonds.
Rigorous price challenge procedure
With PSL, you have direct access to structured credit analysts and engineers. We aim to respond to all price challenges within 24 hours.
Experience and expertise
PSL is comprised of structured credit professionals who have worked across global investment banks, asset managers and hedge funds.
Trusted track record
PSL deliver thousands of valuations to global investment banks, asset managers and financial institutions. PSL is ISAE 3402 certified.

Arrange a demo
The best way to learn more about PSL and our services is to arrange a demo, either face-to-face or over the internet.
We’ll show you our evaluated pricing platform and bespoke deal modelling tool, and help with any queries and requests you have.
78 Cannon Street
4th Floor
London EC4N 6HL
United Kingdom
+44 (0)203 786 6010